
Strategy aiming for strong and profitable growth

The strategy aims for strong and profitable growth, based on organic growth enabled by the market and carefully considered acquisitions. Through active development, Biohit has turned its operations to profitable growth over the past years.

Biohit – Innovating for Health

Biohit promotes people's health with its innovative products. The company's product portfolio includes diagnostic products for gastrointestinal diseases and carcinogenic acetaldehyde binding products. The products have a global and growing market, and approximately 98 per cent of the company’s production is exported. The most significant potential lies in the GastroPanel® product range that is used for testing gastric health. The ageing of the population, scarce healthcare resources and the simultaneously increasing prevalence of gastrointestinal diseases require more cost-effective diagnosis of diseases and easier screening for cancer risks. Biohit's innovations meet these challenges.

Financial targets

Biohit's financial targets for the strategy period 2024–2028:


Revenue growth 15–20% annually


Operating profit (EBIT) at least 10% of revenue

Priorities and actions of the strategy

Continuing the innovation legacy of the expert of the gastrointestinal tract

Strengthening competitive edge by developing business operations and investing in product development while understanding the laws of health technology. Strengthening cooperation with industry, research institutes, universities, hospitals and laboratories.

Expanding the markets

Presence in all relevant markets, either through own subsidiaries or through local sales representatives. Ensuring high quality of the distributor network and digital channels.

Completing the product range

Dynamic modification of the product range based on customer needs.

Active selling

Strengthening customer understanding, better identifying their needs and providing tailored, value-added solutions. A systematic order-to-supply chain.

A company that attracts investors and talent

Strengthening the reputation of a profitably growing health technology company through an active IR policy and through providing excellent development opportunities for new talent.

Business model

See our business model

Key figures

See our financial development